Saturday, April 11, 2009

Testing, Testing

'Allooo. This is Fariha and Fasiha, setting up our blog. We have created this blog to document our adventures around the world and share it with you.

During our summer study abroad program, we hope to inshaAllah (God Willing) hit the following places: Madrid, London, Warwick Castle, Stratford upon Avon, Stonehendge, Bath, Paris, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome, and Cordoba. And take classes, of course!

Right now, we are just taking care of logistics. We will be heading out on June 10th.

First stop, Madrid.


  1. Yay! How exciting. And this blog idea is so practical and cute.

    Looking forward to reading/seeing pics of all your adventures.
    Have if I even need to say it.


  2. Wow! This is fantastic Fasiha! Thanks for making me a part of it! You are now officially bookmarked.


    Dawn Bowie
